Adaptor mix A and adaptor mix B were used to produce templates for sequencing selleck chemical small RNAs from the 5 ends and from the 3 ends, respec tively. As described in the Small RNA Expression Kit, sam ples were then reverse Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries transcribed to synthesize Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cDNA and treated with RNAse H. Small RNA libraries were amplified by PCR and size selected on 8% polyacrylamide gels. The 105 to 150 bp material was excised from the gel and eluted in nuclease free water. DNA concentra tions of all samples were measured by qPCR. Libraries were amplified by emulsion PCR and sequenced on SOLiD according to the manufacturers instructions. Read length was 35 bp. The experimental data have been deposited in the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus under series GSE25715.
Small RNA deep sequencing data analysis Color space reads were matched against annotated data bases using the Small RNA Analysis Pipeline Tool v5. 0, provided by Applied Biosystems, using the following parameters one color space Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries mismatch within the first 18 bases of the reads, called the seed sequence and two color space mismatches on the following posi tions of the reads. First, small RNA reads were matched against the human genome, then versus miRBase release 16 to identify matches with non human miRNA, and finally versus non coding RNA sequences from fRNAdb, a database of ncRNA. org. For each annotated miRNA that was sequenced, the number of sequences for miRNAs was normalized to a total of 106 miRNA sequences. The amount of each miRNA was determined following a linear model.
Only miRNAs with at least 300 counts per million in at least one of the experimental con ditions were conserved for differential expression analysis. The significance of the difference between the experimen tal and control groups was estimated by an empirical Bayes method using Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the limma package from Bioconduc tor. Inactivation and over expression of miRNAs All transfections were performed with HighPerfect transfection reagent. For inactivation of miRNA expression, sub confluent Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries hMADS cells were transfected with a combination of three DNALNA mix mers with a phosphorothioate backbone, at a final concentration of 40 nM for each. The sequences of these three DNALNA mixmers were. The simultaneous use of these three oligonucleotides successfully inhibited all miRNAs from the miR 30 family. The sequence for the mismatch con trol oligonucleotide.
For over expression, sub confluent hMADS selleck inhibitor cells were transfected with Pre miR miRNA precursor molecules, at a final concentration of 40 nM. The negative control was the Pre miR miRNA Precursor Molecules Negative Control 1. For both over expression and inhibition studies, hMADS cells were submitted to adipogenic medium 3 days after transfection. For the target protection experiment, sub confluent hMADS cells were transfected with TSBs, which are custom designed LNA oligonucleotides with a phos phorothioate backbone. TSBs were used at a concentration of 20 nM.