, 2008 and Lee et al , 2006) MD increased turnover and led to a

, 2008 and Lee et al., 2006). MD increased turnover and led to a transient decrease in inhibitory tone (Chen et al., 2011). Consistent with the findings above, immunohistochemistry of VGAT revealed a loss of inhibitory synapses onto layer 5 apical dendrites, but not the neighboring dendrites of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons (Chen et al., 2011). MD and recovery in adult mice each produce a

transient loss of Gephyrin-labeled inhibitory synapses on spine heads of excitatory neurons, but not on their dendritic shafts (Chen et al., 2012 and van Versendaal et al., 2012). The spine heads themselves showed little change, suggesting that excitatory connections were stable (Chen et al., 2012). Considering the events we discuss in the development of V1, there is a satisfying account of topographic map formation. The next major event, the formation of highly selective receptive fields, click here remains largely a mystery. We do not know the details of the neural circuitry that gives rise to selective responses, and we lack experimental confirmation of ABT-888 research buy the mechanisms responsible for its formation. The emergence of binocular responses in V1

seems to require no explanation beyond the convergence of eye-specific thalamocortical inputs, but the matching of preferred orientation in the two eyes suggest that experience dependent plasticity sculpts these circuits during normal development. A great deal is known about the mechanisms responsible for changes in binocular responses following MD in the critical period, and about some of the accompanying changes in the neural circuit, but it is not clear which of these mechanisms is responsible for the normal process of binocular matching. Finally, it is not yet clear how adult plasticity differs mechanistically and functionally from that of the critical period (Figure 7). These questions can now be addressed using

a number of new tools for tracking neural activity, structure, and biochemical Oxygenase signaling pathways in individual cells over the course of development and plasticity. Observations can be targeted to specific cells in V1 using many novel brain region-, cortical layer-, and neuronal subtype-specific Cre-transgenic mice (Madisen et al., 2010) in combination with Cre-dependent structural or physiological markers (Bernard et al., 2009 and Luo et al., 2008). Activity can be measured in the targeted cells using chemical and protein-based fluorescent biosensors of intracellular calcium (Hasan et al., 2004, Mank et al., 2008 and Tian et al., 2009), vesicle release (Li and Tsien, 2012), or voltage (Miller et al., 2012). Structural rearrangements can be measured in targeted cells along with fluorescently tagged synaptic proteins, including those that are newly synthesized and those that may indicate the strength of synaptic connections (Lin et al., 2008).

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