Bastidas-Ramirez, Daniela Gordillo-Bastidas, Ana Sandoval-Rodriguez, Jaime Gonzalez-Cuevas, Jose Macias-Barragan, Belinda C. Gomez-Meda, Juan Armendariz-Borunda
Purpose: The role of microRNA (miRNA) deficiency in the development of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is poorly understood because animal models that involve both click here are lacking. Methods: We crossed Albumin-Cre transgenic mice with Di Georges syndrome Critical Region gene 8 (DGCR8) floxed mice to obtain hepatocyte-specific DGCR8 K〇 mice (DGCR8Ahep mice). DGCR8 is an essential cofactor of Drosha involved exclusively in miRNA processing. Because these mice have non-functioning DGCR8-mediated miRNA processing in cells that express albumin, leading to global miRNA deficiency in hepatocytes, they provided an accurate model for defining the role of miRNAs in ICC formation. We used our previously established model of ICC consisting of hydrodynamic tail vein injection (HDTVI) of a cocktail of plasmids (AKT, NICD, n-RAS and LUC) stably integrated using the sleeping beauty transposase.
This model induces ICC formation of hepatocyte origin in 4 weeks. Results: We monitored luciferase activity using an IVIS spectrum instrument over time and noticed that DGCR8 K〇 mice were losing activity 3 weeks after HDTVI while WT mice had an increased Metabolism inhibitor luciferase activity. When we sacrificed mice at 4 weeks, the WT mice had macroscopic cystic tumors in their livers while the KO had a smooth liver. Alanine transaminases were significantly
reduced in DGCR8 KO compared to WT mice. In order to have an accurate overview of the liver lobes, we took serial pictures of H&E staining that we stitched in FIJI. We then confirmed that WT livers were full of cystic tumors at 4 weeks after HDTVI but KO livers displayed significantly less after selleck products counting the tumors. They were also smaller in size. Immunostaining for the liver progenitor marker osteopontin showed a significant increase in KO mice which suggested that these cells may play a role in helping the DGCR8 KO mice to clear the cancer. Thus, we repeated the HDTVI experiment but in mice fed with DDC for 4 weeks prior the injection. In this condition, no matter the genotype, we could not detect any tumor 4 weeks after injection macroscopically, and found only 1 WT mouse with few nodules compared to the more than 30 nodules per lobe on the chow diet-fed WT mice. Conclusion: In conclusion and in analogy to HCC that we also found to be protected in these KO mice, our results support the hypothesis that global microRNA deficiency in hepatocytes impairs ICC formation and that one or more mRNAs are needed for ICC formation and inhibition of these specific miRNAs may have a therapeutic potential for ICC.