Planctomycetes cells were found within all these structures, and appeared to grow evenly intermingled with other cells (Figure 2b, d and 2f). Fluorescence microscope VX-770 supplier Images showed DAPI Cell Cycle inhibitor and FISH signals corresponding to different cell morphologies in the biofilm, ranging from long filaments, cocci of different sizes and small rods (Figure 2). The planctomycete FISH signals were always in the shape of small and medium sized cocci (Figure 2b, d and 2f) and displayed the “”ring”" shape typical of planctomycete cell organization [19] (Figure 2b inset).
The Eub338 FISH signals included the whole range of morphologies (Figure 2h) and were both ring-shaped and solid. Figure 2 Distribution of planctomycete cells in the biofilm. Fluorescence microscopy images of Laminaria
hyperborea surface biofilm. Images a, c, e and g show DAPI stained biofilm while b, d, f and h show FISH signals in the same microscope fields from hybridizations with either the Pla46 probe (b, d and f) or the Eub 338 I-III probe mix (h). Images show representative microscope fields of samples from July 2007 (a-b), September 2008 (c-d, g-h) RG-7388 research buy and February 2007 (e-f). The enlarged inset image in b shows the typical ring shaped FISH signals of planctomycetes. Isolation and cultivation of planctomycetes from kelp surfaces One strain, named “”P1″”, belonging to Planctomycetes was isolated from kelp surface biofilm material from September 2008. It displayed morphological features typical for Rhodopirellula
baltica, with ovoid cells and rosette formation (Figure 3). It formed pink colonies on M30 solid media that were visible after approximately seven days of incubation in room temperature after inoculation. It was closely related to Cobimetinib the type strain of Rhodopirellula baltica (Figure 4, 99.5% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity) and to Rhodopirellula strain K833 isolated from seawater in Iceland [21] (Figure 4, 99.9% sequence similarity). However, it was not closely related to any of the clone library sequences from kelp surface biofilms (Figure 4). Figure 3 The P1 strain. A phase contrast photomicrograph showing the Rhodopirellula sp. strain P1 isolated from kelp surface biofilm, displaying ovoid cells, budding and rosette formation. Figure 4 Phylogenetic relationships of planctomycetes. A maximum likelihood (PhyML) tree based on 16S sequences of Planctomycetes. An outgroup consisting of reference sequences from the Verrucomicrobia were used for tree calculation, but is not displayed in the tree. Bold letters designate sequences derived from the present study, which include one representative of each OTU and the P1 isolate. Reference sequences from the SILVA database are described by their GenBank accession numbers, origin of the sequence (environmental or cultured strain) and the habitat they were obtained from. The vertical lines mark phylogenetic lineages of interest.