The main types of water sources for household chores and drinking Erlotinib HCl were similar in both arms as was the distance to the source (median distance 50 m and 30 m in the control and intervention arms, respectively). Storing water for longer than 2 d was more common among the intervention (26.8%) than the control arm (13.9%). Nearly 30% of all households reported treating water regularly before drinking. Boiling was the most common water treatment before the trial (20.2% in both arms). Table 1 Baseline community and household characteristics of a community-randomized trial of SODIS. Intervention and Attendance The NGO conducted 210 community events and 4,385 motivational household visits in intervention communities; 3,060 visits occurred in the households with children <5 y followed up and analysed for the study, and 1,325 household visits took place in homes that were not taking part in the study.
Study households attended a median of nine community events (IQR=5�C12) and were visited by the SODIS-programme team a median 11 times at home (IQR=7�C18). To ensure a sufficient number of PET bottles, the NGO provided as many SODIS-bottles as required by participants (mean 955 bottles/community). Diarrhoeal Illness in the Control and Intervention Arm Children in the SODIS-intervention arm reported a total of 808 episodes or a mean of 3.6 per child per year-at-risk (Table 2). In the control arm there were 887 episodes and an annual mean of 4.3 per child per year. In both arms median length of episodes was 3 d. The unadjusted relative rate (RR) estimate (0.81, 95% CI 0.59�C1.
12) suggested no statistically significant difference in the number of diarrhoea episodes between the SODIS and control arms of the study (Table 3). In an analysis of the longitudinal prevalence of diarrhoea we found no significant treatment effect (odds ratio [OR]=0.92, 95% CI 0.66�C1.29). Furthermore, no strong evidence was detected for the reduction of odds of severe diarrhoea cases (OR=0.91, 95% CI 0.51�C1.63) and dysentery (OR=0.80, 95% CI 0.55�C1.17). Table 2 Diarrhoea episodes, length of illness, and days ill with diarrhoea. Table 3 Effect of SODIS on diarrhoea episodes, longitudinal prevalence, severe diarrhoea, and dysentery episodes. A multivariable model adjusting for age, sex, baseline-existing water treatment practises, and child hand washing was consistent in its estimate of effect (RR=0.
74, 95% CI 0.50�C1.11). We repeated the analysis by including confounding covariates in the order of occurrence of the variables in Table 3 to confirm that the conclusions were not sensitive to the choice of covariates. Cilengitide None of the models yielded significant results for the effect of SODIS (all p-values>0.1) or resulted in meaningful changes in estimates of ORs. Figure 2 shows the relationship between study time and diarrhoea in the control and intervention arm.