There is also the need to continuously identify extramucosal intr

There is also the need to continuously identify extramucosal intrathoracic and intra-abdominal anatomy. This would

argue the need for an experienced surgeon to perform these procedures or at a minimum to be highly involved. Because the senior surgeon is not only an experienced minimally find more invasive foregut surgeon but a surgical endoscopist as well, it is possible that a nonsurgical endoscopist performing the procedure without surgical assistance may have a different trajectory to the learning curve because extraluminal thoracic and abdominal anatomy are not part of the baseline didactic and procedural knowledge. The learning curve in our POEM experience is comparable to that of other studies looking at the learning curve of ESD technique (around 30 cases).14, 15 and 16 The POEM technique is indebted to the concepts learned from the ESD and the NOTES experience. Bloomston et al17 looked selleck chemicals at the learning curve of laparoscopic Heller myotomy in 2002 and found that their conversion rate and LOP significantly dropped

after 20 cases. Going by the experience of the trainees, it seems like the learning curve of this procedure can be shortened by close supervision of an expert who has already overcome his learning curve for this procedure. There is also the concept of a “group learning curve,” where different members of the operative team become familiarized with various aspects of the procedure including the recognition of anatomy. In our experience, this reinforces and consolidates the experience

of various members of the operative team and may contribute to shortening the initial learning curve. Hence, it is advisable that the same team be present for all the initial cases. POEM is a complex therapeutic flexible endoscopic procedure that is associated with a learning curve for experienced surgical endoscopists. However, it can be taught and learned successfully and safely as demonstrated in our initial experience. Mastery of the operative technique is evidenced by a decrease in LOP, decreased variability of minutes per centimeter of myotomy, and a lower incidence of inadvertent mucosotomies. POEM can be learned as well as taught successfully and safely. Mastery of the operative technique is evidenced 4��8C by a decrease in LOP, variability of minutes per centimeter of myotomy, and incidence of inadvertent mucosotomies. The learning curve plateaus around 20 cases for experienced endoscopists. This indicates that it may be performed best in high-volume esophageal centers. “
“Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) of the pancreas are characterized by intraductal proliferation of mucin-producing epithelial cells and cystic dilation of the pancreatic ducts and can present a wide range of pathological changes, from hyperplasia to adenocarcinoma.1 and 2 They can be subdivided into main-duct type and branch-duct type, depending on the location of the main lesion.

No data shows that length of hospital stay decreases if VCE is pe

No data shows that length of hospital stay decreases if VCE is performed earlier during the hospital course for OOGIB. The primary aim of our study was to compare the yield of VCE

in inpatient and outpatient populations with OOGIB and determine whether this led to a difference in targeted interventions based on VCE results between these two groups. The secondary goal was to evaluate whether there was a decrease in length of stay when VCE was performed earlier during the hospital stay. The diagnostic yield of video capsule endoscopy increases when it is placed within 3 days of the bleeding event. This leads to an increased CX-5461 datasheet therapeutic intervention rate and decreased length of hospital stay. VCE has become the noninvasive diagnostic standard in the investigation of OGIB, with a high positive predictive (94%-97%) and negative predictive value (83%-100%).3 VCE allows visualization of the entire length of the small intestine in 79% to 90% of patients, with a diagnostic yield of 38% to 83% in OGIB.6 Little data have been reported Navitoclax order on the cost-effectiveness of VCE; however, the PillCam Capsule Endoscopy Register in Australia,7 which ran from 2004 to 2007, amassed data

on 4099 patients, creating the largest database on PillCam (Given Imaging Ltd., Yoqneam, Israel) in the world. Based on this database, in November 2007 the Medical Services Advisory Committee of Australia recommended that capsule endoscopy be the preferred choice for patients with OGIB, noting that capsule endoscopy had the potential to reduce the number and cost of prior investigations. VCE has been shown to be superior to push enteroscopy,8

small-bowel follow-through,9 and CT10 and 11 for detecting bleeding lesions in the small intestine. Earlier studies3 and 12 reported an increase in therapeutic interventions performed, and overall better clinical outcomes, when VCE was performed for the evaluation of OGIB. However, a study from 2010 provided conflicting data.13 Studies looking solely at OOGIB are very limited. In 2009, a study evaluated much the yield of VCE and subsequent interventions performed for OOGIB,14 but the number of patients in this study was small, making it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions. Our center is a large referral facility for central and western Massachusetts. Five hundred and seven VCEs were performed over a 2-year period from August 2008 to August 2010. Two hundred sixty VCEs were done to evaluate OOGIB and were included in the study. Specifically, we excluded patients with occult OGIB or iron deficiency anemia from the evaluation. We had a large cohort of patients with OOGIB for both the inpatient (n = 144) and outpatient (n = 116) populations, which is a much larger population size than previously reported. Positive yield of the capsule endoscopy was defined as any abnormal finding that could explain the patient’s source of bleeding.

However, the same authors showed that the accuracy of this approa

However, the same authors showed that the accuracy of this approach can rapidly vary according to a number of conditions, including retreatment cases, for which a very low sensitivity was reported [57]. The interesting diagnostic potential of PCR is also weakened by its low applicability as a field test, since it requires high-tech instruments and trained personnel. The most promising alternative amplification method, with huge potential for field application, click here is the loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA (LAMP) [58]. This technique, originally

developed for the detection of a variety of pathogens [58] and [59], was recently adapted for the diagnosis of sleeping sickness [60]. LAMP relies on the isothermal amplification of multiple specific DNA regions in the parasites,

followed by the visualization of the results through the development of a fluorescence signal or turbidity [61]. Mugasa et al. systematically analyzed the most accurate studies focusing on the evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of the different molecular diagnostic methods for HAT. They reported 98.7% SE and 99.8% SP in case-control studies, and 98.6% SE and 94.5% SP in non case-control studies [62]. Due to the novelty of the LAMP as a new diagnostic tool for HAT, few studies are available in the literature and a meta-analysis evaluation of the overall accuracy of this approach cannot be done yet. Despite the huge efforts made to identify new tools to accurately diagnose HAT, few of them OTX015 mw focused BIBF1120 on the systematic evaluation of the effects induced by the presence of parasites in the host. A widely used approach to discover diagnostic biomarkers is the application of different omics approaches to investigate human body fluids in healthy and pathological conditions: these include proteomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics [63], [64] and [65].

These approaches, whether considered individually or together, have shown themselves to be useful for a number of different applications, however only a few studies have been published on sleeping sickness. The most important proteomics study for HAT diagnostic application is probably the work of Papadopoulos and colleagues [66]. By using SELDI-TOF MS, they aimed to identify new serum biomarkers for the diagnosis of HAT through the detection of specific HAT serum proteomics signatures [66]. The authors identified some protein signatures that were able to significantly discriminate between parasitologically confirmed HAT patients and control patients suffering from other illnesses. However, none of their protein signatures was accurate enough and only combinations obtained using different data mining algorithms could improve the diagnostic accuracy of the putative marker signatures.

Ceux qui ont eu la chance de partager un repas avec Michel pendan

Ceux qui ont eu la chance de partager un repas avec Michel pendant cette période, rue de l’Université ou tout à côté, n’ont pu être que frappés de l’entendre commander : entrée, plat, dessert, café. Il ne s’agissait pas de gourmandise ni même d’appétit simplement d’être un « bon malade » auquel son cancérologue de l’hôpital Cochin avait expliqué que traiter le cancer c’est d’abord éviter la dénutrition. Et si l’on vous demande en plus d’avoir de l’activité physique alors le vélo fera l’affaire ! Ainsi, Michel Vayssairat malade était la révélation de l’évidence énoncée par Saint-Exupéry : « nul ne peut se sentir à la fois responsable et désespéré ». Fin

selleck products 2011, les forces de Michel déclinent. Personne n’entretient plus d’illusion sur l’efficacité des traitements. Michel lui-même annonce que l’heure des soins palliatifs est venue. Michel encore quelques jours plus tard demande à être hospitalisé. Une dernière fois le choix de la fraternité qui le dirige tout naturellement vers un hôpital qu’il connaît, Saint-Joseph, où il a par le passé tant aimé apprendre auprès du Professeur Cormier. Puis vient la dernière étape, acceptée sans doute plus que voulue par Michel, le transfert en soins palliatifs à l’hôpital Cognacq-Jay où il sera entouré par sa famille et recevra les visites annoncées ou imprévues de ses compagnons. Ainsi, Michel s’est montré jusqu’au bout responsable et a joué vis-à-vis de lui-même son

rôle de médecin. Il a ainsi suivi le précepte selon lequel « un médecin consciencieux doit mourir avec le malade s’ils ne parviennent pas à guérir ensemble ». Si je vous dis cela, ce n’est pas par manque de déférence mais parce que Michel aurait sans doute souri en m’écoutant et compris qu’en citant Ionesco, je voulais signifier le moment venu de parler de Michel auteur. Michel a connu un succès fulgurant en recevant sous le nom de Jules Grasset le prix du Quai des orfèvres 2005 pour son roman « les violons du diable ». Cette distinction ne l’a

pourtant pas conduit à la porte du paradis des écrivains car c’était placer d’emblée la barre bien haut et ne simplifier en rien l’acceptation des manuscrits ultérieurs tant ce prix catalogue d’emblée l’auteur comme celui d’un possible unique succès. Peut-être Michel aurait-il préféré gravir une à une les marches de la notoriété littéraire, selleck recueillir progressivement les fruits de son travail et de son talent et conquérir de nouveaux lecteurs au fil de ses romans. Michel, si le temps ne lui avait pas été compté, aurait-il fait une encore plus grande carrière d’écrivain ? Un critique littéraire et auteur contemporain rappelait récemment à propos de Jean Cocteau dont il jugeait la reconnaissance insuffisante, que « pour être un auteur à succès premièrement, il ne faut jamais donner l’impression d’aimer la vie, deuxièmement, il ne faut faire qu’une seule chose à la fois » et d’ajouter qu’« en France les grands artistes ne doivent pas seulement être ennuyeux mais limités ».

Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas na mortalida

Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas na mortalidade após 28 dias de follow-up (endpoint primário). Da mesma forma, os endpoints secundários foram semelhantes entre os grupos: disfunção orgânica, tempo de permanência na UCI, no hospital, em ventilação mecânica ou em diálise. Outro estudo que incluiu 1.013 doentes em UCI, com choque, demonstrou que a administração

de albumina a 20% estava significativamente associada a insuficiência renal ou a risco aumentado de mortalidade na UCI10. Relativamente a doentes com sépsis grave ou choque sético, as recomendações atuais não recomendam a utilização de albumina para a reposição da volémia e estabilização hemodinâmica nestes doentes, considerando os cristaloides como terapêutica inicial 11. Conclusão:

selleck chemicals llc o uso de albumina humana para reposição Duvelisib mw volémica em doentes críticos não está recomendado, devido à ausência de benefícios clínicos − Grau de Evidência A. A hipoalbuminémia é um preditor de morbilidade e mortalidade em doentes cirúrgicos ou em UCI. No entanto, o benefício de correção da hipoalbuminémia com albumina não foi ainda estabelecido, nem existe um valor a partir do qual a administração de albumina seja benéfica ou até essencial. De facto, estudos mostram que, apesar de a hipoalbuminémia Morin Hydrate estar associada a um aumento da mortalidade, a administração de albumina não esteve associada a reduções da mortalidade, duração do internamento na UCI, ventilação mecânica, ou à necessidade de terapêutica de substituição da função renal1, 3, 4, 5 and 12. Deste modo, não existe evidência que justifique a utilização de albumina nestes doentes. Conclusão: o uso de albumina humana para correção

da hipoalbuminémia em doentes críticos não está recomendado, devido à ausência de benefícios clínicos − Grau de Evidência A. A peritonite bacteriana espontânea (PBE), definida como a contagem de polimorfonucleares no líquido ascítico > 250 cels/mm3, é uma complicação comum e grave em doentes com cirrose e ascite. Cerca de um terço dos pacientes com PBE desenvolve lesão renal aguda e este parece ser o principal fator predisponente de mortalidade nesta situação. Desta forma, acredita-se que a expansão do volume plasmático poderia atenuar estas alterações circulatórias, ajudando a preservar a função renal. De acordo com a American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, recomenda-se administrar albumina (1,5 g/kg nas primeiras 6 horas do diagnóstico e 1,0 g/kg no terceiro dia) na suspeita de PBE e contagem PMN > 250 cels/mm3 13. Não foram identificadas revisões sistemáticas ou metanálises avaliando especificamente esta indicação para o uso da albumina.

3) but no posterior extension Rather the base of the fissure bec

3) but no posterior extension. Rather the base of the fissure becomes flattened and continues onto the medial surface of the hemisphere. This transition is to be seen in the forking of the fissure posteriorly. Within the cuneus, a gyrus parallel to the calcarine fissure extends rostro-caudally [cu, Fig. 2]. In the precuneus, the horizontal, posteriorly directed extension of the sulcus calloso-marginalis (cm, Fig. 2) [cingulate sulcus] is important for white matter anatomy. On the basal surface, the most important sulcus, which shapes the white matter is the collateral sulcus (coll., Fig. 3), which is the selleck chemicals llc fifth sulcus to extend caudo-rostrally between the calcarine

fissure and the inferior occipital sulcus and is variable in its extension in both directions. The medial occipito-temporal sulcus reaches very closely the occipital pole. In cases where the calcarine sulcus is a simple incision, the medial occipito-temporal sulcus can present a complex

division. The occipital horn begins to form as a canal with four walls, with thin dorsal and ventral walls and two-to-four-fold wider medial and lateral walls. Posteriorly, it rapidly looses its shape in all directions. Initially the loss is primarily in height more than width, so that it resembles almost a square before it looses its width and thus becomes a thin sulcus with its dorsal and ventral walls turned into edges. During its course it bends posteriorly in two directions. In IDH inhibitor its posterior part it bends gently along a vertical axis and thus its posterior end comes to lie closer to the medial plane than its aperture. In addition, it bends along a sagittal axis and becomes a slit, thus bringing the dorsal and ventral edges closer to the medial plane. From its posterior end a strip of ependyma, which retains its form, continues into the occipital white matter for a short distance. The double bend tuclazepam of the horn resembles the form of the hemispheric convexity and is due to the deep [occipital] notch close to the calcarine fissure. Apart from this, only the medial occipito-temporal sulcus has an impact on

the shape of the occipital horn, by bulging its inferior surface a little in the middle part of the horn. All the other sulci, including the secondary deformations of the calcarine fissure, are of no importance to the shape of the occipital horn. These influence the width of the white matter only, and as is later to be seen, the thickness of the fourth and outermost layer, which lies immediately underneath the cortex and is referred to as the stratum proprium cortices. The deeper layers of the white matter are independent of the depth of these sulci. The occipital horn lies closer to the basal surface than to the dorsal convexity of the hemisphere (Fig. 3); yet, it is equidistantly located between the medial and lateral surfaces.

Here we described a method for isolation and establishment of oen

Here we described a method for isolation and establishment of oenocytes from mosquito pupae in culture. Mosquito oenocytes

can be maintained in primary cultures for up to 2 months. Cultured oenocytes tend to form clusters similarly to previously described for oenocytes in Drosophila ( Hartenstein et al., 1992, Elstob et al., 2001 and Gould et al., 2001) and in Ae. aegypti larvae ( Wigglesworth, 1942). Oenocyte clusters are formed during Ae. aegypti metamorphosis and are thought to spread throughout the interior and the periphery of the mosquito fat body during the imago development ( Christophers, 1960). We investigated the morphology of cultured pupae oenocytes via TEM, SEM and light microscopies. Overall, cultured oenocytes maintained main cytoplasmic characteristics found in freshly isolated cells, such as the general chromatin organization in the nucleus, and the ovoid shape of the cells with the cytoplasm filled with SER and vesicles. selleck compound However, we noticed a decrease in the mitochondria number and size in the cultured cells. Interestingly, fresh and cultured oenocytes from pupae were

quite different from adult mosquito oenocytes. For instance, in pupae, the SER almost completely filled the cytoplasm, while in adults the SER was restricted to some areas of the cytoplasm. 5-Fluoracil Also in adults, the plasma membrane displayed deeply invaginated canaliculi (supplementary data) which were not detected in either fresh or cultured

oenocytes. Moreover, adult oenocytes were polymorphic, clearly distinct from the rounded pupae cells (supplementary data), also reported by Tadkowski et al. (1977). Pupal oenocytes had ifoxetine prominent SER and numerous bundles of vesicles. It can be inferred that these vesicles corresponded to lipid droplets that were abundantly found in the D. melanogaster larval oenocytes ( Gutierrez et al., 2007) and in adult ant oenocytes ( Camargo-Mathias and Caetano, 1996 and Roma et al., 2008). These two organelles have been associated with the oenocyte lipid metabolism and storage in the caterpillar Calpodes ethlius (Lepidoptera) ( Locke, 1969) and in adults of T. molitor (Coleoptera) ( Romer et al., 1974), S. gregaria (Orthoptera) ( Diehl, 1973 and Diehl, 1975) and B. germanica (Blattaria) ( Fan et al., 2003). The ruthenium red is specific for cell surface staining and indicated the presence of a lymph space on the external surface of fresh oenocytes. This is also known as reticular system and was reported in oenocytes and trophocytes of C. ethlius pupae ( Locke, 1969 and Locke, 1986). Lymph spaces are formed through plasma membrane protrusions that increase the cell surface area (reviewed by Locke, 2003). However, lymph spaces were no longer observed after cell culturing. Modifications of the surface of cells also included the formation of pseudopodia (filopodia and lamellipodia), which were due to cultured settling on the glass substrate.

19, 20, 21 and 29 Most of the studies were conducted in the Unite

19, 20, 21 and 29 Most of the studies were conducted in the United States (n = 818, 19, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 30), 2 were conducted GDC-0973 research buy in Australia,17 and 31 3 in Canada,20, 21 and 29 and 1 each in China,32 Sweden,22 Finland,16 and the United Kingdom.26 The studies involved more than 429 residents with dementia (the total number is not clear as one study recruited 5 units with between 25 and 31 residents in each unit).21 More than 72 members of staff and 44 members of family or friends were included in the qualitative studies, again the total number is not clear as one study did not provide this information.17 The setting was described as a nursing home facility

in 9 studies, 5 were conducted in specialized dementia care facilities, and 3 were conducted in nursing homes with specialized dementia units. Of the 10 quantitative studies, 6 were designed as pre-post studies, 2 were RCTs, 1 was a prospective cohort, and 1 was a crossover trial. Most of the studies had a high risk of bias from the lack of blinding involved, but this was largely due to the inability to mask “going into the garden” as an intervention, as residents within one nursing home were randomized to the “control” or “intervention” group. Half of the studies failed to report eligibility criteria or use valid data collection tools. No studies reported power-calculations PLX3397 molecular weight or compliance with

the intervention. Seven of the studies were able to account for all of their participants L-NAME HCl in their reports (Supplementary Table 3). Lack of clarity and poor interpretation in 2 studies18 and 19 prevented any detailed description of either study in this review. All of the qualitative

studies had clear research questions, used appropriate study designs, and described results that were clearly substantiated by the data. Most studies also described some form of theoretical stance behind the research question, adequately described how data were collected, and made reasonable claims about generalizability of findings. Most of the studies reflected on outdoor environments as therapeutic in nature, providing an opportunity for multisensory stimulation through reminiscence, social interaction, proving physical and cognitive competence, and improving self-esteem and relaxation. In most of the studies it was not possible to tell if the theoretical perspective had influenced the study design or research findings, nor was it clear if the sample size was adequate or if any potential ethical issues (such as involving people with dementia in research) had been addressed. In fewer than half of the studies, it was difficult to appraise data collection and analysis quality and little consideration was given to the limitations in study discussions (Supplementary Table 4). In summary, the included studies have been reported poorly and the results are potentially at risk of bias.

In previous experiments, we demonstrated that NGF secretion from

In previous experiments, we demonstrated that NGF secretion from Bioporter-loaded monocytes significantly enhances the number of cholinergic neurons in organotypic brain slices (Böttger et al., 2010). However, it still remains unclear whether these cells maintain proper functioning (i.e. differentiation and phagocytosis of potentially toxic agents). After 2.5 h exposure with the peptide, Biporter-loaded cells appeared to take up or phagocytose FITC-Aβ1–42, as seen by fluorescent cytoplasmic staining of cells (Fig. 3D–F). We also stained these cells for ED1,

a known marker for rat monocytes/macrophages, and evaluated the cells for typical macrophage morphology after

cultivation for two days in the presence of M-CSF(Fig. 3A). Monocytes incubated without M-CSF maintained SB203580 nmr their typical small and round morphology, whereas, monocytes incubated with M-CSF exhibited signs of differentiation as seen by an increase in cytoplasmic volume and the appearance of processes (Fig. 3B and C). Bioporter-loaded monocytes were also tested for effective NGF and cytokine secretion at various time intervals. Table 3 shows that monocytes secreted NGF and cytokines in a time-dependent fashion following Bioporter treatment. Exposure to rat Aβ1-42 did not stimulate enhanced cytokine secretion (Table 3). This present study demonstrates

the continued difficulty of transfecting primary rat monocytes, however, provides evidence that lentiviral vectors and protein delivery systems may prove more effective at generating functional protein production in these cells. Although many methods of gene transfer have been developed for effective genetic modification of mammalian cells, the engineering and maintenance Glycogen branching enzyme of monocytic cells has proven difficult. In the present study, we were unable to observe effective transfection of primary rat monocytes using lipid-mediated transfection, electroporation or nucleofection, despite their success in transfecting primary rat astrocytes (data not shown). Primary monocytes do not proliferate and thus it is not surprising that transfection methods that rely on cell division (i.e. lipid-mediated transfection) have proven unsuccessful. Thus, recent investigations have turned to electroporation and nucleofection in order to develop more efficient nonviral DNA delivery methods for primary cells. Although advances have been made in primary human monocytes (Bhattacharjee et al., 2008), the nonviral transfection of primary animal monocytes remains difficult. In line with our findings, Herold et al. (2006) have reported that electroporation and lipid-mediated transfection were unsuccessful in transfecting primary rabbit monocytes.

A AGV esteve independentemente correlacionada com


A AGV esteve independentemente correlacionada com

níveis de 25(OH)D3, mesmo após ajustes para fatores confundidores. Em adição, os níveis séricos de 25(OH)D3 pareciam diminuir em 0,26 ng/ml por cada aumento de 10 cm2 na AGV.16 Com o aumento da longevidade mundial, tem‐se observado a emergência Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Library screening de verdadeiras “epidemias”, tais como a síndrome metabólica, a obesidade, o DM2 e a deficiência de vitamina D. Não obstante, tem‐se tentado estabelecer relação de causalidade ou consequência entre elas. Dados nacionais provenientes de estudos em mulheres na pós‐menopausa já comprovaram ser o Brasil um país com deficiência de vitamina D, apesar de sua localização geográfica privilegiada. A frequência de excesso de peso na população superou Rucaparib datasheet oito vezes

o déficit de peso entre as mulheres e em 15 vezes o da população masculina, segundo dados da 2 a etapa da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2002‐2003 do IBGE. Constatou‐se que a obesidade entre elas cresceu 50% de 1974 a 1989 e manteve‐se estável entre 1989 e 2003. As consequências da obesidade incluem uma das mais comuns doenças crônicas em nossa sociedade, o DM2. Esse, por sua vez, é fator de risco para DCV, hipertensão arterial, doenças vasculares cerebrais, hiperlipidemia, osteoartrite e apneia obstrutiva do sono. Tais comorbidades estão presentes em muitas mulheres brasileiras na pós‐menopausa. A despeito do grande número de estudos transversais e do número limitado de trials clínicos que avaliaram as concentrações de 25(OH)D como um potencial determinante

de DCV e DM2, permanece ainda incerto se a melhoria do seu status poderia reduzir o risco dessas condições. Mediante o exposto, torna‐se necessário o conhecimento da aplicabilidade do uso de vitamina D em mulheres na pós‐menopausa e diabéticas no que diz respeito ao controle metabólico e à redução dos riscos cardiovasculares. Os autores declaram não haver conflitos de interesse. “
“Rape is an underreported heinous crime that affects women and men around the world with physical and psychological Lepirudin harm, at risk of contracting infectious diseases and which may result in an unwanted pregnancy. Numerous pregnant women for rape decide late to seek their right to legal abortion up to 22 weeks of gestation.1 Besides representing a serious public health problem in developing countries, discuss the termination of unwanted pregnancy, whether as a result of rape or not, involves rethinking the legal, moral, religious, social and cultural aspects that are linked to it.2 Even nearly 7% of rape cases in Brazil result in pregnancy. Under Brazilian law, the victim of such violence has the right to abort, but 67.4% of women who have gone through this suffering had no access to legal abortion services in the public health and have just tried abortion unsafely or sought the service late.